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Most of you may think that Microsoft's Ribbon is fairly new. However, the truth is it was already an optional feature in Word 5.5, as the following screenshot plainly demonstrates: I salute Microsoft for their foresight.


Rotating Cube in JavaScript

My CSS-Parrot gave me an appetite for more in-browser graphics. This, led to my newest creation: A rotating "3D" cube, written with JavaScript. Check it out here: (glory to Tzahi for hosting it) Edit: The page is currently unavailible. If you're interested, email me... View Article


China and Worms (not a culinary post)

Hi, I'm back from my long trip in China. It was great, and I have too many stories to tell. I would've written some posts during my trip, but my blog seems to be blocked by China's firewall (wordpress in general is not!). How curious... View Article

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A quick announcement

Hi dear readers. I'm flying to China today for the duration of two months. Therefore, updates may be less frequent than usual (or non-existent) until Novermber.
