FileDict – bug-fixes and updates

In my previous post I introduced FileDict. I did my best to get it right the first time, but as we all know, this is impossible for any non-trivial piece of code. I want to thank everyone for their comments and remarks. It's been very... View Article



Most of you may think that Microsoft's Ribbon is fairly new. However, the truth is it was already an optional feature in Word 5.5, as the following screenshot plainly demonstrates: I salute Microsoft for their foresight.


The Evils Of Positional Arguments

A few days ago I found myself writing pure ansi C code, after over two years of not touching it at all. In fact, these two years consisted mostly of Python, and a little of C#, both very far from it. While coding away, trying... View Article


Rotating Cube in JavaScript

My CSS-Parrot gave me an appetite for more in-browser graphics. This, led to my newest creation: A rotating "3D" cube, written with JavaScript. Check it out here: (glory to Tzahi for hosting it) Edit: The page is currently unavailible. If you're interested, email me... View Article


Pickling Python Expressions

My last post introduced the concept of X, a class which "absorbs" operations and behaves like a function. As many people pointed out, this was merely a syntactic alternative to lambda. You may like it, you may not. Now, after a rewrite, X can now... View Article


Fun While Avoiding Lambda (Python)

Readers, meet X. X is a class I wrote in Python as an alternative to using lambda. It has two main features: It acts as an identity function ( so X(3) == 3, etc. ) When performing operations on it, it returns a new class... View Article


China and Worms (not a culinary post)

Hi, I'm back from my long trip in China. It was great, and I have too many stories to tell. I would've written some posts during my trip, but my blog seems to be blocked by China's firewall (wordpress in general is not!). How curious... View Article

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A quick announcement

Hi dear readers. I'm flying to China today for the duration of two months. Therefore, updates may be less frequent than usual (or non-existent) until Novermber.
