Tag Archive: Drawing

Drawing in CSS – Parrot

So as I said in the previous post, I've started taking interest in making real drawings using just CSS. This had led me to create a parrot, which is made purely in CSS. It consists only of axis-aligned right-triangles, and so can be articulated using... View Article


Look what I found

Using the same technique I described in a previous post: http://snessiram.uni.cc/draw.html Pretty cute. You can probably do some really amazing drawings with it. I'm thinking of taking such a project, it would be interesting.

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Drawing Diagonal Lines with CSS

CSS allows you to specify so many bizarre graphical properties, that I couldn't believe it doesn't support drawing simple lines. Well, it doesn't. And googling for how to draw a diagonal line was not effective. The closest result I got was how to draw a... View Article


Zen, Art and Programming

The main advantage of having no readership is that I have very few restrictions on what to write about. (the main disadvantage is obvious) So in this post, I would like to tell a short zen story - Art On my first drawing lesson (sketching,... View Article

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